Is the World Ready for What’s Coming?
Bible prophecy points to a time when the world will be shaken by extraordinary events—events many never saw coming. Could the secret rapture really happen? Is Israel the key to understanding the end times? What role does the rebuilding of the Jewish temple play in prophecy, and could the rise of the Antichrist be closer than we think?
These are questions that demand answers. The Bible offers a roadmap, but only for those willing to dive deep into its mysteries. Join us for Revelation’s Rapture, a powerful seminar that uncovers the shocking truths about Christ’s return, the prophetic role of Israel, and the final confrontation between good and evil. Is the world prepared for the return of Christ—or will a global deception take its place?
Discover the answers that the world doesn’t want you to know. Prepare for the ultimate showdown between faith and deception.

Is the World Ready for What’s Coming?
Bible prophecy points to a time when the world will be shaken by extraordinary events—events many never saw coming. Could the secret rapture really happen? Is Israel the key to understanding the end times? What role does the rebuilding of the Jewish temple play in prophecy, and could the rise of the Antichrist be closer than we think?
These are questions that demand answers. The Bible offers a roadmap, but only for those willing to dive deep into its mysteries. Join us for Revelation’s Rapture, a powerful seminar that uncovers the shocking truths about Christ’s return, the prophetic role of Israel, and the final confrontation between good and evil. Is the world prepared for the return of Christ—or will a global deception take its place?
Discover the answers that the world doesn’t want you to know. Prepare for the ultimate showdown between faith and deception.
Unveiling the End of the World and the Coming Rapture
Speaker | Pastor Myckal Morehouse
The Bible speaks of a dramatic event in the end times—the appearing of Christ and the rapture of His followers. But what does scripture really say about this climactic moment? Join us as we explore the biblical foundation for the rapture, how it relates to current events, and what this means for those living in the last days. This session will open your eyes to the imminent return of Christ and what really is going to take place at the end of the world.
Prophecy Unfolding?
Speaker | Pastor Steve Wohlberg
In Israel today, red heifers are being prepared for sacrifice, and plans for a rebuilt Jewish temple are underway. Are these developments just political or religious events, or do they hold prophetic significance in the Bible? Could these actions be signs of the approaching end of the world? Dive into the scriptures with us and discover whether these events fit into God’s prophetic timeline.
A Prophetic Warning
Speaker | Pastor Steve Wohlberg
The Apostle Paul warned that a future Antichrist would “sit in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4). But when will this event occur? Is the Antichrist already here, hidden in plain sight? This session will reveal biblical clues about the rise of the Antichrist, what the Bible says about his influence in the last days, and how to be spiritually prepared for his deception.
Uncovering the Jesuit Plot Behind Prophetic Confusion
Speaker | Pastor Myckal Morehouse
Could the story of Christ’s appearing be twisted into a global deception? This session uncovers startling historical revelations, including a Jesuit conspiracy that has altered how many view Bible prophecy. Discover how this plot has shifted the understanding of the second coming and the rapture, and why it matters today as we approach the final events of earth’s history.
The Fight for Freedom and Faith
Speaker | Pastor Steve Wohlberg
As freedoms erode across the globe, the Bible predicts that a “Mark of the Beast” will be enforced, challenging every individual’s faith and allegiance (Revelation 13:16-17). What is this mark, and how can we recognize it before it’s too late? This session will decode the prophecy, reveal the signs to watch for, and equip you with the knowledge to stand firm in your faith as the final events unfold.

Steve Wohlberg
Director, White Horse Media
Steve Wohlberg is a well-known author, speaker, and media producer, recognized for his deep biblical teaching and Christ-centered focus. A Jewish Christian from Los Angeles, Steve holds a B.A. in Theology from La Sierra College and a Master of Divinity from Andrews Seminary. His passion for Bible truth has led him to write over 40 books and appear on more than 500 radio and television programs, including three History Channel documentaries and a National Geographic International feature.
Steve’s ministry has taken him across the world, and he has even been invited to speak inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. His teaching on Bible prophecy has helped countless people understand the Bible’s message for today.
Steve and his wife, Kristin, enjoy the peaceful beauty of Priest River, Idaho, where they live with their two children, Seth Michael and Abigail Rose, along with their beloved dog, Eva, and three cats. The Wohlberg family are active members of the Spirit Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Myckal Morehouse
Myckal Morehouse is the lead pastor of the Sandpoint Seventh-day Adventist Church, where he has served since October 2022.
As an experienced speaker, Myckal has traveled across North America, Australia, and Europe, preaching and teaching in churches and universities. His work has helped many gain a clearer understanding of Bible prophecy and end-time events, leading to hundreds of baptisms and changed lives. Known for his engaging, approachable preaching style, he is committed to sharing the everlasting Gospel of the Word of God.
Myckal lives in Sandpoint, Idaho, with his wife, Delaney, and their three children, Joshua, Abigail, and Zakari. They enjoy the outdoors and are actively involved in their community.
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Are You Ready for What's Coming?